Kamiosaka division of Nakagyo ward is located in Kyoto downtown, by the Kamogawa 鴨川 river (“Duck River”). From May to September, restaurants and tea houses extend their decks, creating suspended tatami terraces, towards the river. Especially in summer, when the city is so hot, reaching a refreshing atmosphere by the river, is really welcome.

– From The Famous Places in Kyōto (Kyōto meisho no uchi 京都名所之内) ca. 1833–1834 –
Waders enjoying the river : Catching fishes, and resting on the bank.

Here is where Kamiosaka-chō is located :
See in Goole Maps
Merci Pascal ! 😄
Wow, géniale cette série. Je valide toute les images j’adore cadrages, contrastes et ligne de force de chacune des images, un grand Bravo !